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Very lovely little action puzzle game, definitely play the playtest if you have time since it's very fun.

5/5 and a recommendation, no notes.
Also, make sure to wishlist!


Thank you for your feedback, we are glad you enjoyed the game :)

We will continue to update the playtest so don't forget to join our discord or check in time to time to see what changed!

Curious... Both the title & the game concept It's like an ironic pun with Disney movies from early 2010s era. The game is called "Tangled", but instead of Rapunzel it's Wreck-It Ralph XDXDXD.

By the way, I had also seen that you would launch the game on Steam, but I have two big problems that would make its launch very difficult. 

Since the game is made in Unity, and if you plan to release it in Early Access, many people won't trust games that contain these conditions for the following reasons:

1. The controversy caused by the installation fee plan (despite having rolled it back to the Pro version).

2. The huge scam by the Day Before game.

To be honest, I'm also having the same problems with a similar project, and it makes me doubt about wanting to realase it in stores like that.

1-The player won't care if there's a plan that impacts the dev, because they just want the game.
2-It won't impact the dev, since it's been rolled back to the pro version, and it was always intended to only hit top-income companies like Sega rather than indie devs, indie devs are very very unlikely to be affected by the installation fee.

3-The Day Before was not a steam thing, it was not a shooter thing, it was not an extraction thing, it was a Fntastic thing, a singular company decided it would scam its audience, which obviously doesn't mean all Steam games are scams.

So yeah, neither you or LSG should fear Steam, it should be every Indie's dream to put their game on Steam, there's better prestige, better support, and better tools at hand for release, meanwhile Itch and gamejolt are understaffed and filled with community volunteers rather than employees.

(1 edit) (+1)

I guess I was referring to picky people who take social media very seriously, and who still haven't gotten over their traumas. But if we refer to the average consumer, you will be right. 

My only reason for trying to put projects on Steam is to check if it's compatible with the Steam Deck.

Thank you for your feedback! 

It was actually not meant to be an ironic pun with Disney movies but it was interesting to know your interpretation of the game.

Since we are an indie studio and this is our first game we are not aiming as big as bigger studios or companies. For the moment we just want to create fun games that everyone can enjoy.

Indeed there may be people who will be insecure due to the recent events, but we hope they can see pass trough it and give a chance to the indie games like ours :)